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How Is The Internet Of Things Changing The Translation Services Sector?

Translation Services - IOT

Back in the day, there were a handful of mobile translation devices that came with limited functionalities since these devices relied on limited databases or pre-loaded dictionaries.

These days, thanks to the Internet of Things and translation services, a new era of mobile as well as wearable translation devices has dawned.

These devices can not only translate live conversations on the fly but at the same time, linguistically alter content grabbed from textual sources, menus, street signs, etc.

So what is the Internet of Things?

IoT is an umbrella term. The term IoT is used broadly to categorize devices and services (such as remote monitoring and control) that are made possible only with a stable and fast internet connection.

How is the Internet Of Things changing the translation services sector?

There are quite a few applications of IoT-based translation services. Some that stand out are mentioned in the sections below.

IoT-ready voice assistants use translation services

According to top providers of certified translation services, back in 2023, close to 270 million homes in the United States alone actively used smart voice assistants in their homes. The numbers are similar in the rest of the world.

Now, it would be unwise to think that smart speakers have reached this level of popularity among users worldwide just by providing their users with only one language option. Be it Amazon’s Alexa or Google’s Home, language-based localization has played an instrumental role in convincing people that it is high time they made IoT-based voice assistants a part of their homes Read More.


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